That last card illustrates how a series of OR and AND NOT operations can be built up by shift-clicks and shift-option-clicks (respectively) in individual Index views. But there are other Boolean search operations that sometimes are needed, and Free Text provides a way to create them, easily and intuitively!
The next card illustrates the effect of clicking on the left half (the side toward the first Index View window) of the Boolean AND button at the bottom of button array. Note that the first Index View now shows a subset of the database that corresponds to "FREE or FREEDOM and (SOFTWARE and not HARDWARE)" ΓÇö precisely the intersection of the two subsets previously constructed.
All of this took only five mouse clicks to do (not counting scrolling) ΓÇö much less time than it takes to explain! Look at the next card for a few moments, and then we'll finish this Guided Tour with a quick review and summary. Then you'll be ready to solo with Free Text!